STA - Endorsement Submission

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Contact Details

PLEASE NOTE: The maximum upload limit for this form is 35MB. If you think the total size of the documents you need to upload will exceed this limit, please first contact us at or +44 (0)333 577 0908.

Organisation Details

Invoicing Details

Administrator Contact Details

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PLEASE NOTE: The maximum upload limit for this form is 35MB. If you think the total size of the documents you need to upload will exceed this limit, please first contact us at or +44 (0)333 577 0908.

Save your submission now as we are unable to proceed with your application at this point. Please contact the Professional Development Team on 0333 577 0908.

Download the IP permission form at the bottom of this form and upload it here once completed.
This is for information only.
Please provide a brief overview of your training 
Please provide login details and relevant instructions so that the evaluator can view the online element. Use the Upload box at the end of this page if necessary.
Please specify your learning aims and outcomes. A learning outcome is what the learner will be able to do once they have completed your industry award it is seen more of a statement. A learning aim is more related to the overall session (the smaller steps to get to the outcome).
This is the title of the degree programme that will embed the endorsed elements. Please insert the full official title.
Please refer to the mapping toolkit for guidance on pre-requisites,

The minimum hours for face-to-face delivery is 50.

The minimum practicum hours is 36.

Please indicate the maximum number of students in a face to face class.

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Use the downloadable template below to detail the facilities in place at any venue where the training will take place and what specialist equipment will be available for the learners.
Download the Biography Template below for each of the tutors, assessors, internal quality assurers (IQA) and authors involved in your endorsed programme, ensuring you provide us with all certificates as evidence.
Please upload details of your learner enrolment process, what records you keep and how you maintain its security.
Please upload details of your how you monitor learner attendance, what records you keep and how you maintain its security.
Please supply biographies for the presenters or workshop leaders taking part in your event, showing relevant experience and qualifications in the subject in which they are delivering.

Please upload a team matrix showing the team members you have submitted Biography Templates for, the role they will be undertaking and for which programme, and the training they are undergoing for their role, if any.
Your tutor information pack will include all the information the tutor will need in order to run the training consistently and effectively ie lesson plans, PowerPoints.
Please provide a draft copy of your Certificate of Achievement showing where you will put the STA and endorsement logos which you will receive once approved. Post approval you will be asked to provide the final version with the logos added.

If you do not own the intellectual property of this training programme please contact for a copy of the IP Permission Form to complete and attach.

This is any other information you give your learners that will support them before, during and after the training to complete your programme successfully.

The administration pack is an internal document containing all of the necessary systems and processes to guarantee that you can process, support and deliver training to the learners efficiently and effectively.
Please provide the practical and/or theory assessments, together with the marking criteria and the assessment strategy.
Attach your mapping toolkit/s here once you have mapped to those parts of the standards that are covered in your training - contact us if you need help with this aspect of the application.
Attach your mapping toolkit/s here, which must be fully completed - contact us if you need help with this aspect of the application.
Attach any relevant insurances for example, certificate of public liability insurance, employers liability insurance, building insurance, industry specific insurances and professional indemnity insurance etc.
Attach the evaluation form for your event, which should include feedback on the venue, presentations/workshops, presenters/workshop leaders, and organisation of the event.
Please supply a copy of your validation document, along with the programme specification for all modules of awards submitted for endorsement and the module descriptors.
Your quality assurance policy must detail how you will ensure that all training and assessment meets STA standards.
Please provide teaching materials and delivery resources from one week in the endorsed programme ie lecture notes, handouts, lesson plans.
An official confirmation on letterheaded paper from your Awarding Organisation listing the qualifications you are approved to deliver as an accredited centre.
Your latest quality assurance report from your awarding organisation. Please note we do not endorse providers who are deemed High or Medium Risk by their AOs.
Please attach the marketing that has been created to support your event, or a draft of what is planned. Please indicate where the endorsement logos will be placed (you will receive the logos once you are approved).
Please attach the draft marketing that has been created to promote your training. Please indicate where the endorsement logos will be placed (you will receive the logos once you are approved). You will be asked to provide the final version of the marketing post approval.
Please upload your company logo in jpeg or png format so that we can use it when we are promoting you as an endorsed provider.
You must include at least 36 hours practicum which is recorded in a logbook and signed off.
List the qualification title(s) that you wish to include in your endorsement as well as the total qualification time (TQT) for each one. These titles appear on your centre approval letter and must be replicated exactly here.
Please attach the relevant standards toolkit/s for your embedded vocational awards.
The cost will be added to your submission fee.
Please provide the practical and/or theory assessments together with the marking criteria and assessment strategy.

Download template

Please ensure that you submit the CVs of all your tutors, assessors, internal quality assurers (IQA) and authors. All those involved with the training programme must be qualified at the level at which they are writing, delivering, assessing and/or internally quality assuring in relation to the discipline. Furthermore, it is mandatory that those delivering, assessing and/or IQAing are qualified in the areas of responsibility (job role). Any of the following qualifications will be acceptable, however if there are gaps in qualifications, PD:Approval has training scheduled throughout the year for you to attend - click here for more information and to book online. • Teacher training qualification • Accredited Institution PG Cert in teaching and supporting learning (e.g. HEA UKPSF) • PTLLS /DTLLS/CTLLS • Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF) • Level 3 Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement (QCF) • Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment (QCF) • Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (QCF) • A1/A2 (D32, D33) • Relevant predecessor NQF assessor qualifications • Internal quality assurers (IQA) • Level 4 Award in the IQA of Assessment • Processes and Practice (QCF) • Level 4 Certificate in Leading the IQA of Assessment Processes and Practice (QCF) • V1 (D34) • Relevant predecessor NQF IQA qualifications


Visit the Mapping Toolkit page

Visit the PD:Approval shop

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For an additional fee of £50+VAT, your submission will be prioritised and you will receive your initial evaluation report within 10 working days of payment (subject to the correct evidence being provided; any discrepancies may affect the timeline)

An additional fee of £200 (+VAT if UK) may be applicable if your submission is incomplete and your technical evaluator requests further evidence.

Agreement Terms

Read the Contract Terms for the Approval of Education and the Code of Conduct & Practice for Approved Training Providers here (this link will open in a new tab).