PD:Verified Membership Application

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Your email address will be linked to a Contact Me form for enquiries, if you choose to have one. Your email address will NOT be displayed on your profile page.

The details you provide will enable users to find your location on our map.

- at least 8 characters
- must contain at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, and 1 number

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Once approved, you will have a public Profile page where visitors to the PD:Verified website can learn something about you before getting in touch. Make sure it's informative and interesting so you can develop your network of contacts.

Start with some information about you ie how long you've been qualified, what roles you have held, where you have worked.

Continue with your professional experience ie where you have worked, in what sector/s and what disciplines you have used your qualifications in.

This page will be all about you, so feel free to add any other information you think is relevant.

You can copy and paste from another document, or type directly into the field below. Use the bottom righthand corner to drag the box wider if required.

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Membership fee including VAT: £36
Membership fee: £30
Please use the button below to submit your application and go through to the payment page. Once we receive your application and payment, your details will be verified. We will then be in touch to inform you of your PD:Verified Membership status.